AlTi - Alvarium Tiedemann

Anthonia Hui

Head of Singapore


Anthonia’s multidisciplinary knowledge and international experience give her a unique perspective on investments and wealth. Her four-decade career has spanned the world’s most recognizable financial firms, including positions across Hong Kong, Europe and Singapore.

Anthonia co-founded AL Wealth Partners (ALWP) Pte Ltd, a Singapore-based specialty firm for global accredited and institutional investors which is now part of AlTi, and led the firm for more than 15 years. As a trusted advisor to families, Anthonia manages multiple generations of wealth and performs key family office functions.

Anthonia was recognized as an “IBF Fellow” by the Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF) in 2014 for her contribution to the industry. She is a passionate advocate for philanthropic causes, from women’s and children’s nutrition to assisted-living and dementia care, and is also a frequent speaker at international wealth management, regulatory and family office forums.

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